During the last few years, drone-borne sensors have been widely used in geology, exploration, and agriculture. Using such systems, image acquisition is possible for clear and cloudy conditions and in areas difficult to access. UAV platforms typically operate from 10 m to 500 m above ground.
DROACOR® is designed for currently available UAV based sensors. It is suited for multispectral visible/near infrared sensors as well as for hyperspectral instruments operating within the 400 – 2500 nm spectral range.
For supported systems, standard features apply such as:
– Applicable directly to original TIFF/JPEG files (without conversion)
– Self-calibrating reflectance retrieval using image statistics
– Panel-based calibration for unscaled RAW TIFF imagery
– Sensor-Specific Workflow for Micasense RedEdge, DB2 Laquinta and FLIR
– Supported types: RGB, NRG, RGN, GRN, RGBN, BRGN, TI
Supported multispectral sensors are:
- Micasense RedEdge
- Laquinta DB
- Standard RGB / RGN and NRGB imagery (TIFF or JPEG)

The new software application DROACOR® supports standard sensor systems from major imaging spectroscopy manufactures:
- NEO Hyspex / Mjolnir
- Headwall Hyperspec (Nano)
- Itres CASI / µCASI
- Resonon PIKA
- Corning Shark

Temperature retrieval is supported for single band imagery from:
- FLIR Duo (Thermal TIFF)
Temperature-emissivity retrieval based on the NEM method is supported by an optional Add-On* for the following systems :
- AISA Owl
- Itres Tasi
- Telops Hypercam

About Us
ReSe Applications LLC provides Remote Sensing Software Applications for processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images. The provided software applications PARGE®, DROACOR®, ATCOR® and MODO are designed to process remote sensing data derived from devices like Hymap, APEX, AVIRIS, NEO’s Hyspex, Specim’s AISA, Headwall Photonics Hyperspec, Resonon Pika, Itres’ CASI, and more. It builds upon IDL technology to extend remote sensing software packages like ENVI.