Multispectral Drones
The goal of the development is a fully automatic processor which dynamically adjusts to the given instrument and the atmospheric conditions.
Multispectral Reflectance Retrieval
– Applicable directly to original TIFF/JPEG files (without conversion)
– Self-calibrating reflectance retrieval using image statistics
– Panel-based calibration for unscaled RAW TIFF imagery
– Sensor-Specific Workflow for Micasense RedEdge, DB2 Laquinta and FLIR
– Supported types: RGB, NRG, RGN, GRN, RGBN, BRGN, TIR

Reflectance retrieved from GRN JPEG imager (band 1: green, band2: red, band3: NIR); Mapir sensor imagery.
About Us
ReSe Applications LLC provides Remote Sensing Software Applications for processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images. The provided software applications PARGE®, DROACOR®, ATCOR® and MODO are designed to process remote sensing data derived from devices like Hymap, APEX, AVIRIS, NEO’s Hyspex, Specim’s AISA, Headwall Photonics Hyperspec, Resonon Pika, Itres’ CASI, and more. It builds upon IDL technology to extend remote sensing software packages like ENVI.