Imaging spectroscopy methods have been established in geological exploration and mineralogy.
The spectra taken from imaging instruments are to be compared to reference library spectra to find the abundance of certain components.
DROACOR® allows to achieve a better comparability between sensor based reflectance spectra and the reference reflectances.

Sample mineral reference reflectance spectra from spectral library.
After DROACOR® processing and topographic correction, the visibility and discernability of the spectra as given in the figure above is greatly improved as can be shown in the exampl of Hyspex Mjolnir data below. While the minerals can hardly being discerned on raw radiance, information is visible with a rough correction and the most is revealed after full radiometric correction by DROACOR®.
Top: Spectral angle mapping on radiance, middle: on raw reflectance, bottom : on terrain corrected and filtered reflectance. Data source: NEO Hyspex Mjolnir VS-620, data courtesy of Echo Labs, Canada.
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